
Tyler H tyhodge07@

Apr 15, 2012

Micro's Micro's & More Micro's

As the title says, more micro's.  I recently have brought in more than a few new micro's.  One being the Micro Crawler, which I began to work on first.  I got a pretty ugly jeep body with it, which I had no intentions of using in the beginning.  But after some searches on Jeep's, I just went ahead and modded the body that I got with the crawler.  I was going for a Jeep JK-8 build, but after a comment on it's look and the body style, it looks more like the Jeep TJ-8.  So whichever work's.  See the images below on the crawler project, from how I received it, the aluminum part's I got with it to the tool box, scale jack and cooler, which is where I have left off.  I will try to update this with more picture's as I can.  Seem's I have been slacking.

The next micro's I have brought in, are 2 1/24 Losi Micro SCT's. One I will be converting to the new micro truggy.  The other I will have both option's for it, the SCT and the Rally.  I would post picture's, but I dont have any on my computer of them right now, along with the other 4 Micro T's that I am waiting on in the mail. So that make's, 7 Losi micro's that I have brought into the collection.  Who know's which way or weird idea's will run through my head.  Check back, and I will get more picture's up of the whole group and more on the crawler project.