A little update on the micro funny car project! I originally mentioned it being 1/24 scale, well that is not the case anymore. The scale I will be working with will be 1/32. Yes smaller and more of a challenge as far as packing all the electronics under the small body. Hopefully I can manage that without any issues. Next little update: The wheel's. I have gotten the front and rear wheel's that will be used on this project in. They are rubber o-ring aluminum front's and tacky foam rear's. I still have to polish up the front's, that can wait as they will be used for mock up purposes.
I would like to give a huge thank you to Artie (SRGN of RCTech.net) for the help and much needed support of this project. I could say that I would not have gotten this far with this project, without him. The "donations" as you could say from Artie has really helped get the ball rolling on this project. Once again Artie, thank's a lot for the help and support of the Micro Funny Car (Dragster) project. I will be sure to give as much credit as I can when it come's to this project coming together. Hopefully you will be impressed with how this project take's shape and is done.
Will update at a later time with more picture's and image's on this project. Check back at a later time and hopefully by then, I will have more progress for you!
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